Well Christmas has passed and we're gearing up for New Years, but what a lovely Christmas I had. I hope that everyone else had a relaxing and fun Christmas. I had Christmas Eve and Christmas Day off, which was super awesome!
Christmas Eve I relaxed in the room all day and took it easy. At night, several of the crew members from Peter and the Starcatcher all got together and we went to a restaurant called, Samba, which is a Brazilian Steakhouse. This is a place that has lots and lots of meat. They have the guys that walk around giving you samples of all different kinds of steak. All delicious! There were 9 of us so it was a great group. That also had the "Samba Girls" entertaining and doing dance numbers each hour. It was such a lovely time to spend Christmas Eve amongst good friends. Several crew members had there spouses in town, so everyone was in such good spirits.
After dinner, two of our friends who rented an apartment for our time here in L.A. invited us all over for cookies and pie. She had baked tons of cookies and two pies. Some of the cast members from the show came over too, so we had a nice little Christmas party. Their apartment was all decorated too, so it was the end to a perfect night.
Several Crew members |
Good times |
The ladies that entertained |
Christmas tree at friends Apartment |
Loads of cookies |
Then there was Christmas Day. Again, I relaxed for most of the day. I received a package of goodies from my friend CW of lots of little gifts so I had fun opening some of those! Then my friend, Train, and I went down to Hollywood Blvd. for a Christmas Dinner. We went to the "Las Vegas Seafood Buffet" It was a Japanese buffet with Crab Legs! So I pretty much ate a ton of Crab legs and they were delicious!
Hollywood Blvd was nuts though! It was SO BUSY! All the stores were open, and there were tons and tons of shoppers, it was crazy. I'm from a town in Ohio, where we drive through the empty town just to see if anything was open. I couldn't believe how many people there were!
We walked around for a bit just to see some of the decorations and people watch. Then I enjoyed the rest of the evening in my room relaxing and opening a Christmas gift my mother had sent me. All is all, it was a lovely holiday. =)
Some of my gifts from my friend CW! |
Busy Busy Hollywood Blvd. |
Lots of people |
This was few plates in when I was slowing down on the crab legs. =) |
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